Sunday, September 25, 2011

Why the double standard?

As a young black American woman I often find myself asking.... Why the double standard? What do I mean? I feel like there is a double standard when it comes to black women.. a completely ridiculous unfair unwritten yet socially accepted one.

How come when a black woman does something funky with her hair or clothing... something totally eccentric shes automatically ghetto? Yet let a Asian or white girl do it and shes "Stylish" shes "creative" shes "trendsetting or thinking outside the box" its ridiculous.. for example weaves that come in crazy colors and those long over the top nails.. (I say that shit is ghetto no matter who its on, sorry white and asian girls!) also can i say they steal that style.. blacks came up with it first.. Black women have always been bold with their fashions etc..

but this is not ghetto?

Another example Bold jewelry, Tattoos.. let a black woman wear a ring on every finger or wear large earrings and its "Tacky" the jewelry is assumed to be "fake" if shes tatted up shes "Hood" or "masculine" Yet when girls of other races do it they get positive responses.. its "trendy" or "creative" Why the double standard? And why is this the social norm? Why is this socially accepted?

Ghetto??? why because shes black? Come on!!

I think shes Ghetto!! The damn pimp dog/ rat fur coat says ghetto to me! but No shes stylish smh...

Why does everything a black female does somehow end up with a negative connotation? its like we can not win! Its annoying and its not right! It makes me angry! Here is the biggest example the one that makes me most angry:

Weave and Body parts.... Why is it when a black female wears a weave its a negative thing.. she gets teased or made fun of.. people assume shes bald.. the comedians have whole routines about black women and weave.. Yet when I see hair weave being sold on the Home Shopping Network guess which color sells out first? BLOND! Caucasian women wear more weave then black women simply because black women only make up for 12% of the population in America! When a white or non black gets a weave they are "extensions" somehow its ok, its classy its funky its glamorous.. um a weave is a weave
why rip apart one type of woman and not the rest? Is it just me or did the movie "Good Hair" Piss you off too? I still want to punch Chris Rock into tomorrow!!

Body parts... ok so now a big ass is sexy? Now its cute? Now darker skin is "In"? Please!! remember how black women were degraded for having curves and ass? They called us fat, degraded us made fun of us.. it took men like Sir Mix a lot to come out with a damn song to say to women of color its good to have ass.. Yet Lord and behold Jlo.. a non black comes around with some junk in the trunk and all of a sudden its cute its sexy.. We had ass before Jlo.. Why is it Black features are "Disgusting" or "ugly" or "taboo" until a Non black has them? Then all of a sudden its "sexy" and "coveted" a"Must have" as long as you are not black.. (like Ugly ass Kim Kardashian! She has stolen every black feature known to man but shes sexy? and I dont care how much she lies shes had work done) Amber Rose is sexy? Every Female that is not black but buys black womens features/ sleeps with black men are sexy yet black females are so ugly?? If a black woman shaves off her hair or has short hair (like Egyptian queens have done for centuries!) shes " a bald headed bitch that can`t grow hair" but when White females shave their heads or have short hair (Amber rose, Sinade Oconnor) its bold its a statement shes brave its elegant, shes sexy, she shaved it by choice,she can grow her her long if she wanted.. What the FUCK is that about?? It Angers me!!

i have natural curves.. how is that ugly?
How are my real big boobs ugly? But Pam Andersons fakes are hot? Fuck outta here!!

I naturally have a big ass yet its supposed to be ugly on me but sexy on a White Asian or Latina? Fuck that!!

Women pay millions of dollars to steal what I have naturally, yet its beautiful on them and "ugly" on me? I dont fucking think so!! This double standard needs to drop dead! I dont understand how people want to be black but dont want the stigma.. They want thick hair, full lips round hips, darker skin, big breast, a big ass... they steal our fashion and anything else we come up with like words and slang.. but they dont want the negative shit they give us like the stigma shame and insecurity! They dont want to be racially profiled and put down... whats wrong with this picture?
Bitch Please! your "beauty" is Fake.. Faux! And I see the tracks in your weave!

HAHAHA!! I dont need that thanks...

Because of BS like this people just ASSUME black women are all ugly.. all from one region in the world, and more. They assume we are all aggressive or violent. No matter what I wear people either hate me for it, try to look away or want to assume its fake. One time I had on a diamond pendant and a white girl walked right up to me to my face and said "How can you afford that?" Not even Hi or Excuse me.. she did it just like that (Racist bitch!) Why can`t I own and deserve the finer things? (she was mad because I could afford it and she could not.. Jealousy is a nasty disease..)
I own these!

and I own costume jewelry

Sadly I can not answer the question that I asked.. I do not know why there is such a nasty double standard.. However I do know that maybe this blog will help. Maybe people I encounter will open their mind and change. Some people are racist without ever even knowing it. Maybe I can make a difference! I do know I will keep living my life and I will not let people get me down. If I have to break stereotypes one by one person by person then I will.

I would tell people to stop being ignorant! In 2011 its really not cute anymore. Treat people as individuals. Things work out better that way. I would tell Black women the following: The ones who help fuel the negativity really need to stop I wish I could open up a reform school smh.. But To all my black beauties.... keep your head up! Things will change.. don`t stop being yourself. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches but they make you stronger. Find people who love you for you and who are intelligent enough to treat you the way you deserve to be treated based on your actions. Tumblr is a great positive place for Black women, so many blogs celebrating real black beauty (not women who look like monsters and happen to be black) Know who you are and OWN it, do not depend on a damn magazine written by gay men and jealous ugly older Caucasian women dictate what is beautiful! (the editors of these magazines are ALWAYS ugly older white women.. I dont know why...) Own your beauty, own your fashion sense.. Keep positive and strut your stuff! Just life life because hey.. when big asses are no longer "in style" or "cute" I know my booty will still be there, so its always going to be cute and sexy to me because I am stuck with it! I don`t give a damn about whats "hot" and "trendy" its always something different and who is going to change their bodies with the times to please some stranger who runs a magazine? Not me!! So whatever I have is In!

Let people say what they want, I am proud of myself. They can say what they want behind my back. If i wear a weave I hold my head up because I am just as good if not better than the white chick next to me who is also wearing a weave ooops i mean "extensions". Just because they dont pick on her does not mean shit! I Refuse to be bullied for being Black! If I want to wear big ass earrings let them call me "Shaniqua or Ghetto" yet when a Asian girl or White girl does it shes "Bold" and its a "statement earring" Im strong enough to take the hits shake it off and KNOW I look better than them anyway!

The Media Bullies black women badly.. tells us we are unwanted or not good enough.. that we need to starve ourselves or bleach ourselves.. that we are ugly(cus they only show ugly ones on TV.. ones who usually are not even American!).. and a whole host of negative things.. but despite all that We STILL are confident!! So what does that say about us? I also wish they would stop playing with statistics.. like how they say more black women get abortions.. Not true! Why? because again.. Black females only make up 12% of the population so Whites actually get more abortions and more of them are poor and on welfare! POW!!
Anyway I just had to rant about this.. If someone does not talk about it things will not change. Stay beautiful!! XOXOXOXO<3

yeah its "extensions" and what??!!

Coming up: A Rant about how I am AMERICAN!! Not West Indian or African!! There is a difference culturally and Physically!!