Friday, December 13, 2013

Its the holidays... I refuse to let these people bring me down though they are REALLY trying HARD! Shit has been crazy around here and it really shocks me at how disgusting and just vile people can be. Either I am really spiritually growing or people are going backwards because to me they are barely above animals at this point! ( so disappointing) This greedy ass landlord is taking is to court trying to get us evicted which is straight up evil to do right around the holidays... hes Jewish and he made sure to take off and enjoy his holiday and now has come after us now that his festivities are over. Im tired of the threatening letters coming here! Supposedly the people in charge of grandmas guardianship are handling it but everytime there seems to be new paperwork in the mailbox.. Its like people dont make any sense anymore and im really fucking fed up with my moms pessimism, bitching moaning and negativity! I mean damn! especially when she has not even lifted a finger to call anyone or fax papers or speak to the people handling it! (why am I stuck doing all this shit? my name is not even involved in any of this!) Why the hell are you all a hot mess scared and worried yet you dont do your part and see whats going on? She has not looked into getting her own place and seeing if she can get a emergency loan.. she has not called the guardianship and see what they are supposedly doing about this.. I spoke to them, I faxed the papers! This nasty ass greedy landlord is not backing down... though he really has no argument! I dont understand how anyone is even taking him seriously! I ask myself is this a damn joke? Why is anyone even paying this fool any mind? hes wasting resources! The rent has been paid on time every time, its nobodys fault Grandma has dementia and her guardianship is no longer in her hands. Who the hell cares if shes not signing the rent check anymore? So what shes been away to receive care so that when she returns she will be in stable condition?? Her belongings are still here, her mail still comes here, he has been receiving rent, there have been no complaints and its been COURT ORDERED that she is returning home as soon as they get her the medical stuff she needs. This grubby ass landlord is really trying to evict her so that she does not come back! Hes been harassing her, sending threatening mailings here.. its absurd! Hes trying to argue that she does not live here and shes not coming back, um she is coming back and this is still her legal residence and so now hes trying to be sneaky and is trying to evict her! Thats fucking evil, she will be 81! where the hell is she supposed to go because she cant stay in that nursing home!?? id love to ask his dumb ass where the hell is she supposed to go? How about to her Apt where she has STILL been paying rent and receiving mail! Its no different than if she would have went abroad for a while or owned a house and still paid rent here! Whats his fucking problem? his problem is GREED! He says because me and mom are here the rent is more than double... um we have to be here because of her condition, shes unable to live alone or does he want her to burn the whole damn building down? (would serve him right!) In fact one of the conditions for her returning is that she have 2 hour supervision, so hes pissed that he cant double or triple the rent! So now hes trying to evict her ass! I have never met such a greedy evil nasty little man... how cruel can you be? He does not know whats going on, we gave up a lot to be able to have her come home, my mother and I both hate this building, hate this apt and these fucking nosy ass gossiping neighbors... I would gladly move away if I had somewhere else to go! Hell im not even working because I may have to be available at certain times to take care of her when she comes home! My bills are all piled sky fucking high! It also seems like I will never have a social life again since I will be stuck babysitting as long as grandma lives here! Im giving up a lot and its not fair to a girl my age! I mean WTF I would like to work and get married... have friends! Who the hell wants to be a shut in while in their 20's? This shit is not easy! Her fucking kids are no help! she damn sure cant go live with any of them! Im so sick of this shit but I refuse to let the stress kill me, Ive been in the hospital way too many times already! This is disgusting, he has no legal leg to even stand on yet these idiots keep entertaining him! If I were a judge I would have thrown his claim out already! I would have told him to grow a soul! Stop being so damn greedy and evil. Plus this place is no paradise! This greedy ass landlord employs cheap (possibly illegal) workers, they barely keep light bulbs in the hallways, the bells dont work, the buildings are dirty. Im young but even I suspect hes bribing people or something because how the FUCK does this building EVER pass inspection?!! Hes so busy trying to rip off elderly people so he can cram stupid new city implants into these crusty ass apts while charging about $2000 a month! (no wonder you have 5-6 people  and more in some of these apts) This man is disgustingly greedy.. I dont know his financial situation.. maybe he is struggling.. maybe not but there has to be a line.. where are his morals? He wants anyone on rent control out of here and he has no shame about it... meantime hes does NOTHING to this building or these apartments to make them worth damn near $2,000 a month. I wish I could just up and buy a house or something... I wish i could make grandmas no good ass sons do the right thing but I cant! I wish I could make most people do the right damn thing! This is too stressful =( I hope karma kicks this guys ass.. maybe this world is just so foul Grandma decided she had to half check out.. and thus the dementia... whats fucked up is im locked into this situation... My resources are exhausted... I cant just run away like all the other grandkids... I cant go get a emergency loan, I dont have a boyfriend I could live with...  whats fucked up is all these people who gossiped and talked shit are the people who claim to care about grandma but thanks to them shes possibly getting evicted! I hope they are happy! Their nosy asses went back and spread rumors saying shes not coming back, we stole her apt all that bullshit thats not true! after all how would they know? They dont know what was going on, they were not at these meetings and in court etc, they had No fucking clue what was going on! All they knew is that they saw us in the apt! Thanks to all that shit they talked and their fucking gossip now she may get evicted and let me guess is grandma invited to come live with any of them? i dont fucking think so! I hope they all get what they deserve! Especially my lying ass unckle who really is the one who got the landlord on our backs! talking all that shit to him as if he actually had a damn clue what was going on here when his lying ass lives about 1,000 miles away! If grandma gets evicted let me guess is she going to go live with him and his wife down south? I bet you she would be in a nursing home or shelter first! they wont be having it! So its like thanks a lot you fuck up! Now she could lose her apt because you wanted to be a trouble starting penis! because you wanted to get back at my mother! Guess what my mother can get a emergency loan, she can go get a new place to live!  GRANDMA will be the one assed out! So this is all a load of BS.. it really is and ive had enough... I hate these people... people are just disgusting! I dont even know what to do with myself anymore.. what the hell is wrong with these "Adults" so damn incompetent.. failures in every way! I refuse to lose sleep and cry about it. I just pray for God to remove me from the situation now... It also teaches me that some way some how I must find a way to OWN a home because this renting shit is no good, these people really have too much control and power over your life! I dont want to be a renter forever! Especially when I am old! 81 years old (almost) and someone can have her shit thrown out and her thrown out on her ass just because they feel like it! What a disgusting ass world we live in! I wish grandma would have been smart enough to buy a home so she would not have had to rely on these fucked up people! With all the rent shes paid in 50+ years she could have owned something! At least a Condo! When you own shit people cant just do what they want, all the gossip and lies and speculations in the world... would not have gotten her into this situation. She could have had a home and it could have been paid for right now. People who rent but never own are fools... I dont want to be a fool. I want a little security in life even if I had to buy a house overseas! I dont want to be at the mercy of these low lifes. if I were the landlord I just would have left the situation alone once I verified that she was indeed coming back. I would have been happy for her ( i mean damn she is 80 how much longer does she really have to live? Not another 40 years im sure so his greedy ass WILL get this fucking apt anyway! whats the fucking big deal?) I would have just handled this situation with class, while knowing I would get the apt back sooner rather than later anyway! if he came to me and mom and said hey.. when she passes away or leaves permanently you guys cant get this price, its $2,000 a month or get out,. does he really think we would have a problem with that? Hell no! We dont want to live here anyway! He does not handle his landlord responsibilities such as fixing the bells, people partying on the roof (illegal) lying ass signs saying there are cameras when there are NOT. Dark dirty hallways, shitty heat... This place is not worthy of the neighborhood! Me and my mother are not trying to keep this Apt, I would not want it if it were free! The people in this building are rude and noisy the super is a terrible probably illegal worker! They have not fixed 1 damn thing in this apt! This place was run better before this scumbag owned it! Even then we moved outta here a long time ago! It was terrible having to come back here but you sacrifice for family... people that you love! We have been here cleaning and preparing for her to come back! Her dementia caused her to trash this apt! My mom works and I was sick for a long time... Just has surgery the last week of Oct.. 2 more doctors appointments this month! Ive been stuck with the cleaning all buy myself..  Ive been the one de-cluttering this place and making it more "child proof" Hell Im doing this landlord a favor or does he really want her to flood or burn this damn place down because shes here alone trying to cook or something! meantime ive been looking for work and handling my own problems.. we have been through ENOUGH. I have no respect for this landlord... I really dont! He needs to grow a soul! Im not Jewish but im sure he was taught better than this! If he is representative of the Jewish people..... I feel sorry for them! H has no heart, no soul!  We are 3 women on our own trying to make miracles out of mud and he just wont get off our backs! We are upstanding citizens, no criminal records.. college educated all American people just trying to hunker down and do what we have to do given the circumstances! Its not easy on anyone...  This has not been easy on anybody involved! He has no respect, its like dude did you even have a mother or grandmother?? Why would you be like this? You would not appreciate it if someone was doing this to you or your family! Especially around the holidays! I dont even know why he cant be patient! I bet hes even fucked up enough to be praying for her death.. since hes nasty enough to call her at the center of light telling her hes going to "throw her shit out and evict her" *sigh* What am I to do... I really dont even know....anymore... I really dont know.... all I can do is take it one day at a time... I swear I should just get my hands on a couple thousand dollars and buy a one way ticket to Europe or something... America is fucking up... im very unhappy about the things going on here! Its like this beloved country of mine is trying to kill me! Kill me before I even get started as a young person.. I feel trapped and like the walls are caving in on me. I feel so powerless.. and I would love to ask that landlord.. would YOU like to live with someone who  is physically fine but has dementia? (plus you dont even know my grandma.. and think about it her own damn sons dont even want her living with them, and did not want her living with them before she got sick so you figure it out!) No? I didnt think so! Do you think this was on my fucking bucket list in life? Do you think anyone my age would want the life that is coming to me?? and would you want some greedy ass bastard making shit even harder on you then it has to be?? No? I did not think so smfh!  I swear I hate people... these generations before me have TRULY failed me and should I survive their Bullshit.. I vow to be NOTHING like them! All they have shown me is how NOT to be....

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