Friday, August 26, 2011

My Name is not BonQuisha

Ya know what bothers me? When your a Black Female people like to assume things... and when your black and you have a body type like me.... people Really assume things! Id like to set the record straight!

This is me, Perfect hourglass figure... Medium complexion, Yes all my body is real, 100% natural. No silicon.

Not only do i have a body like this but I have a pretty face too.

First of all my name is NOT Shaniqua or Shanay-nay or Keisha or BonQuisha or anything Ghetto! I have a Normal American name!! My name is Tiffany and I also have a normal middle name and last name!

Second, assuming things based on race is really stupid! Not every Black female is like the ones "As seen on TV" ya know.. like the ones on Maury or in Magazines and all over TV.. Im not 300lbs, My hair grows just fine too. (Shocker!) I am college Educated (oh and not community either GASP) I dont have kids (Yup no baby daddies) and to top it off im actually a virgin. (yup not a video hoe or club hoe)

I am American... Thats right! Im not African im not West Indian. Ive been american for 300+ years lol. My family has the typical mixed ancestry of most black American families. I have Caucasian and Native American ancestry mixed in. So dont assume i know about Reggae and Bob Marley or Jerk chicken.. um i dont know anything about that stuff... Wrong Culture!

Also just because im black does not mean I must be into "Black things" I dont eat Collard greens! Nor do i eat pigs feet! I hate Cornbread!! I also am not a fan of R&B Hip Hop and Rap! (Im a Evanescence fan actually) I dont watch BET, im not into "Black" sitcoms like "The Game" I am not a super stan of Bald head chocolate male celebrities.. (Sorry Tyreese) and i dont like Lil Wayne or Trey Songs!

I also speak English properly.. so dont ask me to speak slang or translate.. im not hip to "The word on the street" I can barely keep up with internet lingo (Damn im getting old!)

I feel like people try to put me into a Box... Just because im a Black female I have to want my men tall bald and chocolate (EEEENNT WRONG!) or that I have to act like a angry loud bitch (im quiet) Or that i have to dress a certain way (um no Timberlands and cornrows for me.. Hell will freeze over first!) or that I have to be into certain things! (why doI get looked at funny when I say im a pop music kinda girl??)

People need to get over it and stop being ignorant, Also can I say the Media is a LIAR, I promise you 75% of black American women are NOT like what you see all over the media! We come in every color and every shade shape and size! (Yes we are Hot too! you wont know it when you see the Zoo animals they call black women in the magazines and on TV) We come in all temperaments, we all have different styles and are into different things. Dont stick labels on us! Give us each a fair chance and judge us as a individual not as a collective whole! Dont assume we are all the same because we are not!

I get so offended when people just assume I grew up in a broken home and dont know who my father is (Nope I have both parents and grandparents lol) or that I grew up poor (um sorry nope we have done well for generations even some millionaires in the fam) Why do people get shocked over little shit like me having a valid passport? or the fact that ive never repeated an outfit twice? Or that i dont have any Tattoos or extra piercings or gold teeth!(again not Hood or Ghetto) Where is the rule saying that because im black i cant do, be or have certain things?? My current love is White, ive never dated a black man (OMG someone just died of shock right?) I find men of all colors attractive but the type of black men i like.. those white chicks damn near killed me over them smh..

Ive had people get upset because I dont fit into their mold or box of what a black female is or is supposed to be/ have.

At the end of the day im just going to be me.. Fuck what people think, or what they want me to be.. its better that people have No Expectations! me being black simply means i have pigments in my skin! its a Skin color! It is NOT an Attitude or a set of likes/ dislikes, its not automatic preferences either! I love animals, i can be quiet most of the time, i like all kinds of music, i love to shop, im educated,I am Classy, i refuse to have children out of wedlock, My favorite food is Italian.. i could go on and on lol. At the end of the day I am Tiffany! That describes more of who and what i am then by saying i am a black female... Judge me based on Tiffany, not based on a Black female. If you want to know who Tiffany is or what shes like Just Ask me! Spend time with me! Dont sit back and watch Cops or Maury... a Tyler Perry movie or some Ghetto shit and think you know me because they are WAY off. XOXOXO <3

So Don't think you know me or know about me when you don't! When you Assume you just make an Ass out of yourself!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Things I Like about some White men.

I am attracted to White men.. but that does not mean i like all white men.

The following is just My personal opinion, This is what I want, look for and admire.

Physical things I like about some white men:
  • I like playing with their hair lol.. i have a thing for hair
  • Im attracted to more angular narrow noses sometimes
  • a guy with nice lips and pretty eyes.. nice teeth is always great regardless of color
  • I love their shape.. not attracted to a man with a big ass or man boobs
  • I like the GQ fashion, some of them have amazing Style.
  • Some of them stay in nice shape without becoming obsessive (My Man is Sexy!!)
  • I Like Clean Cut well Groomed men with a nice sense of Style and in decent shape
  • if a guy does not own a suit and wear clothes proper for his age i wont be attracted... I dont like the urban and Hip hop looks..

Yes Please!!

What I Really Love about White men (especially mine!)

  • Hes so kind gentile and Loving, Not a mean bone in his body, hed never raise his voice at me or do anything else stupid. I dont like men with Tempers AT ALL, hes laid back and easy going. Ultra Lovable!!

  • He has his own unique hobbies and interest that are totally different than mine.. he Hikes Swims Goes fishing and more, things i dont do, its interesting different and new to me.
  • He sweet thoughtful and romantic... very giving. He constantly lets me know that he wants to please me
  • Hes got a healthy sexual appetite but he does not make me feel like a object or like hes a sex addict. Hes not some hornbal that will fuck anything... He has standards that go beyond "a big ass or big tits"
  • Hes faithful and communicates with me, hes a little flirty but he always respects me when im around or not around.
  • Hes Hard working has career goals, hes intelligent when it comes to finances, he even buys stocks.. can you say responsible? and it makes me feel safe and secure.
  • hes a real man hed never look to me to support him or use me as a meal ticket, hed rather go without than have me paying his way or supporting him, i respect that so much! Hed never use a woman. "white guys dont Mooch like Black guys" says my sister LMAO
  • He wants what i want he wants a serious relationship, some day he wants to get married and have kids, hes not looking for a booty call.
  • We have lots in common we have great conversations we are both educated and on the same level.
  • He treats me with the utmost respect, in public and behind closed doors, hes the type to hold doors and buy flowers, hes a complete gentleman.
  • He speaks English properly and is well educated
  • He conducts himself well in Public, hes Mature and does not get caught up in any BS.
  • Hes clean cut no tattoos or piercings
  • He take things seriously, Life is not a Joke to him, hes not full of "hoop dreams" and BS
  • He loves his mom and respects all the women in his life
  • Hes a multi-tasker who manages his time well.
  • Hes Happy, hes not afraid to smile laugh and have a good time, hes not all "Macho" or too hard, hes not a Thug hes a Man. i love for a man to smile and laugh with me and in pictures.
  • Hes not scared to tell me how he feels or what hes thinking.. thats sexy!
  • He treats me like a Princess.. i dont need "bottles in the club" I dont smoke weed, id rather have a romantic get away or save for a house or something..
  • I like feeling safe and secure.. I want to build a future i dont need excitement and White men tend to offer me security and comfort without all the Drama.
  • When White men are in love they will treat you like a queen. They are appreciative of things that other men usually take for granted such as a Home cooked meal etc..
  • Hes Not Cheap, I Hate cheap men! Hed never insult me by taking me on a date to McDonalds.
  • No white male has ever insulted me or called me out of my name, never called me a bitch or complained about my body or tried to tell me how to dress or what to do with myself, thats So sexy!
  • I find that white men are more likely to accept you for who you are and not try to change you to suit their needs, if they dont like you they wont date you. My sweetheart would not change me for the world, he does not care if i gain or lose weight, he does not care if i get a weave or wear an Afro he just wants me to be happy and confident. He thinks im Naturally Beautiful. He keeps his nose out of my female business, does not tell me what to with my makeup etc.. "White men are less picky" says my sister "they dont care if your hair is poofy or straight they wont tell a black woman to lose weight"
  • i can feel good knowing i can rely on him and that if things need to be done i can count on him, hes not trying to make fast money.. he just works a normal job and is satisfied in life. No Drama.
  • White men usually are less controlling, my guy is a sweetheart, hed hold my hand, hed never be dominating or abusive. He gives me my space and supports my decisions, yet hes also protective and super affectionate and it makes me want to treat him like a King, do things i dont have to do but want to do just to show him hes my king (like asking his permission to put up the sexier photos of me on this blog... i didnt have to ask his "permission" but i wanted to and yes i did ask him for permission hes ok with it! Thanks Baby!!)
  • Hes confident he does not feel the need to prove himself and hes proud to say im his and that i make him happy. He is always the same person, never puts up acts or fronts in front of people.
  • White men tend to have genuine hearts... not scared to show emotion once in a wild.. i think thats sexy.
  • Most white males dont abandon their kids or go around making babies and whoring.
  • White men tend to be way more respectful in their approach, they arent too aggressive and they know how to leave if your not interested! Never heard "Ay Yo Bitch you sexy" from a white man, Never had to tell one to stop stalking me, never felt scared or in danger.
  • I like men with Class, one who will approach me like a Lady and buy me a drink, send some flowers not act like some animal hunting for some Pu**y. There are some white dogs out there but i dont bother with those... or "wiggas" we will talk about that in later post...
  • White men tend to be more respectful towards Black women.. i dont know why but they are.. they treat us better than they treat other females but hey im not complaining lol. Ive seen white men abuse white girls then get a black girlfriend and act like angels... whatever luck for me lol. If you stand up to them, prove your worth and dont take any shit they will be your Angel.
  • " They will Marry you" Says my sister LOL most white men... the Good ones dont play that common law "wifey" Bullshit, wont date you or be engaged for 20 years.. they are more likely to ask you to marry them, want to marry you and give you the best wedding he can afford. awww how romantic!
  • "They wont accuse you of being a Gold digger" says my sister.. This is also true.. When a White man loves and respects you he will Give you the world. I dont have to ask. Also Most black women are not gold diggers.. My amazing man has $ but i havent touched a single cent. I feel like its his money not mine, ive always bought my own things, ive never been spoiled or had things handed to me. i dont expect him to pay my bills or take me on shopping sprees. It takes pressure off of him and it actually makes him want to do those things and more im sure.. but i wont let him lol. I love him not his money. As much as i Love shopping and am overdue for a shopping spree I dont care how much money he makes and i take no ownership of his funds.
Good reasons to be more attracted right? Sounds like a man with great qualities to me! Be open to the FACT that the man of your dreams may not be black... he could be White, Latino, Asian, Indian, Biracial or Mixed! So Think About it!! XOXOXO<3