Friday, August 26, 2011

My Name is not BonQuisha

Ya know what bothers me? When your a Black Female people like to assume things... and when your black and you have a body type like me.... people Really assume things! Id like to set the record straight!

This is me, Perfect hourglass figure... Medium complexion, Yes all my body is real, 100% natural. No silicon.

Not only do i have a body like this but I have a pretty face too.

First of all my name is NOT Shaniqua or Shanay-nay or Keisha or BonQuisha or anything Ghetto! I have a Normal American name!! My name is Tiffany and I also have a normal middle name and last name!

Second, assuming things based on race is really stupid! Not every Black female is like the ones "As seen on TV" ya know.. like the ones on Maury or in Magazines and all over TV.. Im not 300lbs, My hair grows just fine too. (Shocker!) I am college Educated (oh and not community either GASP) I dont have kids (Yup no baby daddies) and to top it off im actually a virgin. (yup not a video hoe or club hoe)

I am American... Thats right! Im not African im not West Indian. Ive been american for 300+ years lol. My family has the typical mixed ancestry of most black American families. I have Caucasian and Native American ancestry mixed in. So dont assume i know about Reggae and Bob Marley or Jerk chicken.. um i dont know anything about that stuff... Wrong Culture!

Also just because im black does not mean I must be into "Black things" I dont eat Collard greens! Nor do i eat pigs feet! I hate Cornbread!! I also am not a fan of R&B Hip Hop and Rap! (Im a Evanescence fan actually) I dont watch BET, im not into "Black" sitcoms like "The Game" I am not a super stan of Bald head chocolate male celebrities.. (Sorry Tyreese) and i dont like Lil Wayne or Trey Songs!

I also speak English properly.. so dont ask me to speak slang or translate.. im not hip to "The word on the street" I can barely keep up with internet lingo (Damn im getting old!)

I feel like people try to put me into a Box... Just because im a Black female I have to want my men tall bald and chocolate (EEEENNT WRONG!) or that I have to act like a angry loud bitch (im quiet) Or that i have to dress a certain way (um no Timberlands and cornrows for me.. Hell will freeze over first!) or that I have to be into certain things! (why doI get looked at funny when I say im a pop music kinda girl??)

People need to get over it and stop being ignorant, Also can I say the Media is a LIAR, I promise you 75% of black American women are NOT like what you see all over the media! We come in every color and every shade shape and size! (Yes we are Hot too! you wont know it when you see the Zoo animals they call black women in the magazines and on TV) We come in all temperaments, we all have different styles and are into different things. Dont stick labels on us! Give us each a fair chance and judge us as a individual not as a collective whole! Dont assume we are all the same because we are not!

I get so offended when people just assume I grew up in a broken home and dont know who my father is (Nope I have both parents and grandparents lol) or that I grew up poor (um sorry nope we have done well for generations even some millionaires in the fam) Why do people get shocked over little shit like me having a valid passport? or the fact that ive never repeated an outfit twice? Or that i dont have any Tattoos or extra piercings or gold teeth!(again not Hood or Ghetto) Where is the rule saying that because im black i cant do, be or have certain things?? My current love is White, ive never dated a black man (OMG someone just died of shock right?) I find men of all colors attractive but the type of black men i like.. those white chicks damn near killed me over them smh..

Ive had people get upset because I dont fit into their mold or box of what a black female is or is supposed to be/ have.

At the end of the day im just going to be me.. Fuck what people think, or what they want me to be.. its better that people have No Expectations! me being black simply means i have pigments in my skin! its a Skin color! It is NOT an Attitude or a set of likes/ dislikes, its not automatic preferences either! I love animals, i can be quiet most of the time, i like all kinds of music, i love to shop, im educated,I am Classy, i refuse to have children out of wedlock, My favorite food is Italian.. i could go on and on lol. At the end of the day I am Tiffany! That describes more of who and what i am then by saying i am a black female... Judge me based on Tiffany, not based on a Black female. If you want to know who Tiffany is or what shes like Just Ask me! Spend time with me! Dont sit back and watch Cops or Maury... a Tyler Perry movie or some Ghetto shit and think you know me because they are WAY off. XOXOXO <3

So Don't think you know me or know about me when you don't! When you Assume you just make an Ass out of yourself!

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